Moldova Super Stunt
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#1[MODEL CERERE UN-BAN]!! Empty [MODEL CERERE UN-BAN]!! Vin Oct 10, 2014 3:16 am


Nickname pe server:
Data/Ora banului:
Poza cu motivul banului:
Adminul ce te-a banat:
Care sunt motivele pentru care doresti unban?:
Pentru a posta o Cerere de scoatere a Ban-ului (Interdictiei), copiati modelul de mai sus, apoi il completati intr-un topic nou in acest Board.

Nickname on server:
Ban Time/Date:
Ban-Reason Screen:
Admin that banned you:
Why do you want to be unbanned?:
To post a Request for removal of the ban (suspended), copy the model above, then fill it in a new topic in this Board

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